Anyone can benefit.

We could all use help to age ‘greatfully’.  Pilates can help develop more mobility and ease some of the aches and pains collected over the years.  Improve posture and enjoy your life with more strength and vitality.  Pilates focuses on postural alignment, allowing greater freedom for healthy movement.



Recovering from an injury?

Learn healthy tracking and alignment during activity, balance and strengthen weak muscles, stretch tight muscles to find a more natural posture.



Pilates is Great for Men Too!

Work-related repetitive postures and motions are counteracted by a balancing approach to muscles and movement.
“Men tend to have more body strength, but not necessarily integrated strength, whereas women usually demonstrate more flexibility. Men tend to be tighter in the shoulders, back, legs and throughout the hips, whereas woman have greater ranges of motion”.

- From Pilates for Men by D. Lyon Jr.



Athletes and Weekend Warriors

As an active athlete, cross-training with Pilates will heighten your coordination, balance your strength and sharpen your focus.  Integrate a pilates-based program into your cross training to augment and facilitate your specific sports interest… Running, cycling, rowing, paddling or golf for example. Sometimes you need a little focus to balance your muscle groups to prevent or recover from overuse.